Getting Started
@matthiesenxyz/ astro-hashnode
An Integration to bring your Hashnode Headless Blog content into Astro!
- SEO Friendly: Astro-Hashnode is SEO friendly, it uses Astro-Seo to generate SEO friendly pages.
- Fast: Astro-Hashnode is fast, it turns your Hashnode CMS into a blazing fast website that uses Astro to Generate static websites that run on the Edge.
- Easy to use: Astro-Hashnode is easy to use, it has a simple configuration that allows you to connect your Hashnode CMS to your Astro site.
- Customizable: Astro-Hashnode is customizable, it allows you to customize the look and feel of your Hashnode CMS content.
- Built with AIK:
is a set of tools and utilities for building integrations for Astro.